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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

12 Life Changing Habits To Start Doing This Month

12 Life Changing Habits To Start Doing This Month

Whatever it is that you did last month is now in the past and it's now the time for you to start afresh...again.

For me, this means new aspirations, new goals, less procrastination and being more productive. 

Even if it’s only one goal that you managed to conquer this month, it can really make a big difference in your life. 

So, in this blog post, I’ll be sharing with you 12 simple habits that you can start doing right now to improve your life and self care habits.

So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post:

  • The different habits you can start implementing into your lifestyle

  • And how you can form and retain these habits for the long run


#1 Try Listening To A Podcast Every Night Before Dozing Off To Sleep

This is something that I recently started doing and it has been a true eye opener for me personally. 

Before, I would either watch some YouTube videos or read a book which were both quite straining and tiring for my eyes. 

Now, I've decided to end my day rather with a soothing voice of someone unknown, telling and motivating me to only aim for the best in life and nothing less. 

Google Podcasts is a great source for browsing and finding free podcasts to listen to. 

My favourite feature will definitely have to be the fact that  there is a sleep timer which means I can just doze off without a care in the world, knowing that in a set time the podcast will pause awaiting for me whenever I feel like listening again. 


#2 Create A Vision Board


This is something that I started doing at the start of quarantine. I must admit that it has been a very long time since I last looked at it but this month I’m really determined to prioritise certain things and achieve my goals. 

A vision board is a visual resource in which you put all your dreams, aspirations and goals, reminding you that you have some sort of purpose and that there is something for you to be striving towards. 

It reminds you that there is absolutely no time to waste and that there will always be things for you to accomplish.

Also...the feeling when you complete things off your vision board is a satisfying and prideful moment. 

I personally don't have a physical vision board like most people have. I personally utilise a vision board app which I find to be extremely useful since it notifies me everyday to take a quick glance at my vision board.


#3 Start Drinking A Glass Of Water Before Every Meal

Believe me when I say that I am no health expert but I really find that drinking water before my lunches and dinners  do me well in the health aspect and fitness side of things. 

I am someone who really loves food and I’ve learnt that you can sometimes mistake your hunger for thirst. 

So, by drinking water before every meal, not only am I refreshing my body, I’m also lowering my intake of food which will help me to get fit easier.


#4 Begin To Take More Care Of Your Skin

I don’t know about you, but if something belongs specifically to me , then I will try my absolute best to take care of it.

I am not just talking about the materialistic things that we all have. I’m talking about your skin.

Take the time to make a skincare regime and practice it to its fullest. This month is your time  to try and enhance your natural beauty 

Why don’t you read: 27 Must Have Products To Enhance Your Natural Beauty


#5 Do Something...YOU’RE TOO BORING!

A bit much...I know. 

But honestly, what’s stopping you from starting that YouTube channel that you were talking about one year ago? Don’t tell me it’s because your best friend Michelle laughed at you.

Why are you still cuddled up in your robe, watching Netflix on your bed?  Didn’t you say you want to learn a new language?

From learning a new skill to just creating something of your own. For heaven’s sake, get up off your butt and DO IT...I’m waiting :)


#6 Start Waking Up Earlier

I bet you’ve never seen the morning sunrise, or saw the flowers blossom and bloom in the morning or even seen a million crazy squirrels running around in your backyard...yeah, me neither.

But I would totally love to.  

The image of just being so productive yet relaxed whilst the rest of the city sleeps is absolutely great to me. Let’s try it together. No? OK.

#7 Start Planning And Be Organised

Stop being so selfish! 

Why did you only plan for that big event that’s occurring three miles away but not for that small event that's happening just down the road?

Of Course, you should always prioritise the important things in your life but don’t you dare neglect the simple things. They need affection too.

But seriously, put together routines, schedules, trackers and goals so that you and your mind are decluttered and not viciously crammed. 

#8 Find Yourself

If someone asked you the simple question: “who are you?”, would you be able to answer? 

So far, I haven’t been able to.

It’s so simple yet so complicated. I mean, I do know who I am. 

I’m a 16 year old teenage girl who started this blog for the original reason of being quarantined with six entire months to spare doing absolutely nothing. 

But that’s not what people want to know when they ask that question is it?

Whenever someone asks me that question I tend to just flip the switch and ask them “who do YOU think I am?”

Stupid, I know. But that’s okay because  this month is the month that I will truly look deep within myself and seek for the person that I am and the person who I’m striving to be.  


Simple Things For You To Do

#9 Update Yourself With The News

 Start to become more attuned and observant to the things happening around you.  Try not to be so oblivious to the changes that are occurring in our world today. 

Just by being aware of certain things you are helping not only yourself but also the people around you. 

#10 Update Your Playlist

Discard all of those songs that you only downloaded to keep up with the trends. 

Find music that you can relate to. Find the tunes that you personally love and find fitting to your various moods. 

Let your playlist be a snippet of the person you are.


#11 Update Your Wardrobe

It’s time for you to be out with the old and in with the new. And a great way to start doing this is by upgrading your wardrobe. 

So, what are you waiting for? GO!



#12 Update Your Mentality 

If you haven’t before, then now is the perfect time for you to level up your life and change your mentality.

No more negativity. Positive vibes only. Don’t  you agree? I’m sure you do. 

So, from now on, we’ll start making big goals for our present selves as well as our future. 

Let’s both rinse out any sort of insecurities we may have and turn them into fuel so that we have enough power and the drive to aim for success and a high value lifestyle.


Let’s Look At How We Can Form These Amazing Habits

  1. Pick a couple of habits that you can truly focus on, one or two preferably, and give them your undivided attention. This will make it easier for you to try and obtain these habits  as it won't become overbearing and too extreme. 

  2. Keep a tracker so that you are able to compare your beginning to your end. This will also help you to see the anomalies within your results prompting you to figure out a way in which you can get a smoother result.

  3. Reward yourself. You are not being narcissistic. Rewarding yourself can be a form of self care and self love. Appreciating the challenges you have accomplished will give you the prompting you need to carry on and make other life changing habits.

  4. And lastly, make sure to REFLECT.


Here’s a quote for you to take when you leave

A change in bad habits leads to a change in life



Here are the 3 main things I think that you might have missed when reading this blog post:

  1. Certain habits will improve and enhance your characteristics and attitude whilst other habits will diminish you as a person, lowering your standards and purpose in life.

  2. The way you perceive things that occurs in your life can be affected by the habits you choose to abide and stick to. Make sure to invest your time in positive habits so that you’ll then have a positive outlook on life.

  3. Make sure to subscribe to AlwaysMoodyBlogs for more posts that I’m sure you’ll love.


Well, That’s It Folks

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I really hope that you enjoyed this blog post and that you learnt something from this. Don’t forget to tell me what you think in the comments and please subscribe to my blog for more enjoyable posts. See ya :)

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