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Best Free Revision Apps And Online Resources For Studying And Revision

Best Free Revision Apps And Online Resources For Studying And Revision

These resources can be of extremely great help especially if you're just about to start your GCSE journey in which you have no time to waste and need a handful of effective things that are guaranteed in accompanying you through the pain of exam season that awaits ahead.



These are some of the apps that I personally used for my GCSEs. They did wonders in getting me a 6 or a 7 even when I didn’t study and was being bombarded with a Spanish exam that my classmates and I had no clue about.

Memrise: This is predominantly what I would use to study my gcse language. It had all the vocabulary that I needed for my speaking, writing and listening exams so I didn't really have to buy any textbooks or take extra lessons that weren't compulsory.

It is a flashcard app/website that uses a repeating method of words and phrases to make sure that you never forget what you’re learning. Overall, I would say that this is definitely something that you should invest your time in if you take a GCSE language although it can sometimes be annoying and exhausting....but it’s definitely better than quizlet😀😀😀

Drops: If you’re someone like me who would usually take the bus to travel to school, then Drops is a really good way to start your day productively. Not only is it literally just 5 minutes a day but it is also very engaging, entertaining a fun way to learn your gcse language.

This is not something I would recommend for you to revise a GCSE language entirely, as it doesn’t have your full GCSE course and specification. However, it’s a good way to learn new vocabulary and a great way for you to get ahead and "impress your examiners".

Duolingo: Another app for learning your GCSE language but just like Drops, it doesn't have your GCSE course or specimen built into the app for your use.

This is why I would solely use this app as a way to put sentences together and to learn more about grammar.

Spanish Dict: If you do GCSE Spanish then this will become a huge help to you as it’s more grammatically correct than google translate.

Other Apps To Use For Languages

Here are some of the websites that I have previously used and would also recommend for learning a GCSE language.

Seneca Learning: If Memrise is no help to you at all, then Seneca will become your best friend. It will have your course and your exam board which means you’re guaranteed in learning the right quality content for your exam.

Revision World: I used this website for all my at home GCSE Spanish past papers. It has past papers to assist you with revising for your speaking,writing and reading exams. It also has listening tests audio so that you don’t neglect your listening exam when revising.


History And Geography

I personally did the subject history rather than geography and truthfully, my class notes and textbooks were really the two items that got me through all the exams I was forced into taking.

However, whenever I wasn't feeling up to revising on a particular day, I would typically just use these three resources to passively revise and fake my productivity.

BBC Bitesize: Personally, I've never actually used this website for any hardcore revision especially when it comes to subjects such as history and geography but it was a great tool for passively revising by reading and taking the quiz at the end. On occasions, I would typically use this website for taking notes or just for refreshing my mind.

GCSE Pod: This was the app that my teachers would literally yell at me to use day after day. For me, GCSE Pod was kind of like a side chick as I would only use it when I had no strength to be overly productive on a particular day.

Seneca Learning



The amount of times I've gone back and forth with this evil subject “maths” is actually unreal.

From an 8 to a 7 to a 6 to a 3 to a 5 and that’s all I had time for because Miss Corona decided to not mind her own business and jump in.

This was all due to the amount of teachers I've had over the past years. How can I be a year 11 student and is still being taught how to do LCM and HCF when I’m still unable to find “X” in algebra?

With this, I had to part ways with my teachers and start doing my own work at home and even in class. Here are some of the resources that helped me on my sad solo journey.

Mathswatch: I absolutely loved this website. You can pick whether you want to watch like a 3 minute snippet of a 10 minute video and you will still be able to learn a lot within that short time.

The narrator explains everything smoothly and with sense.

It will feel as if you’re in a real lesson as there are questions for you to answer whilst you watch the video. This is especially great for auditory and visual learners who are very picky in how they learn and remember important stuff.

A disadvantage with this is that your school will probably have to fund it in order for you to utilise this great maths revision tool.

OnMaths: This is a revision resource that I was selfish enough to keep to myself but since my GCSEs have been cancelled, I now have no problem sharing it. How dumb that does sounds😀?

Anyways...it’s literally just a website where you can do maths past papers online instead of wasting your paper and ink to print past papers out. It even has a 9-1 grade system so you know what grade you would have gotten on a particular paper.

MME: If doing past papers online is too modern for you and you want to do things old school then Maths Made Easy or MME is perfect for you. Again, it’s a website that holds a large amount of test papers for you to use when revising and funny enough, you can also do worksheets online as well.

Seneca Learning


English Language

I never found myself using any apps or any websites to revise English language. However, I did find myself watching various YouTube channels such as:

And that was basically it when it came to online resources for English Language


English Literature

This subject was relatively easier for me to study than English language but it took more of my time and energy. It was easier for me to study because I hardly had to do anything other than memorise and learn. I mean, why waste your time making your own detailed notes when it has already been done for you?

Genius: Whether it’s Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet or whatever literature text you’re studying, the annotations on Genius definitely got you covered.

People would constantly ask me how I was able to think of that particular thesis or idea when all I did was copy a detailed annotation from genius and paste it onto my flashcard in which I would then proceed to learn and memorise it. Of course make sure to add your own thoughts or the ideas of your teacher when doing this.

Quizlet: Millions of people have already used their time to make key quotes for the book you're studying and for the 15 poems you have to learn inside out.

All I had to do is find that particular quote on Genius for the annotations and then use my brain to figure out which theme it lingers under. Done.

Other Resources For English Literature


Biology, Chemistry & Physics

I basically used the same resources for all three of these subjects. Here are some of the things I used to help me with the sciences.

Other Resources for Biology, Chemistry & Physics

Well, That's It Folks

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