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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Make More Time In Your Day

How To Make More Time In Your Day

If you're anything like me, then sometimes you’ve probably wished that there were more hours in a day so that you could complete all your priorities and still have time to have fun and entertain yourself in the end.

However, when you have a lot of things that need doing, it becomes extremely challenging to find the time to balance being productive and relaxed during your day. 

With that being said, in this blog post, I’ve gathered some great ways you can prolong the time you have in your day; making sure that you have time to complete important tasks and also have the time for relaxation and entertainment. Let’s dive in :)

So, Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog Post:

  • The different ways you can have more time to be productive and also have time to yourself.

  • And also, how these different things help you to complete your priorities and important tasks using a quicker approach.

Write It All Down

Yep! I’ve heard this a million times too but it’s truly so important to plan and organise the tasks and goals that you need to achieve by the end of the day. 

Try to be very specific with the things you should be doing to avoid procrastination and any confusion. 

Putting pen to paper can really help to bring your vision to reality. Prompting you and giving you the fuel you need to accomplish that task.

 This step is really important in having more time in your day so make sure you go ahead and write all your priorities down for the day. 

Limit The Time You Actually Have

Though it’s not all, a lot of people seem to work better and at a faster pace when they’re under pressure.

By limiting the time that you need to get specific work done, it ensures discipline and that your best efforts are always put forward. 

This is something that I tend to do a lot when it comes to studying. 

As soon as the clock strikes the hour of three in the afternoon, all my studying materials need to be packed away and pushed aside. 

The rest of the day is mine and I get to do whatever I will, whether that’s continuing revising or watching a marathon of movies :)

This is a good technique to adapt as it will force you to complete all the necessary tasks that need to be completed before a set time. 

Don't Plan Your Enjoyment

Perhaps it’s just me, but sometimes when I write things down that are supposed to be for my enjoyment, it later becomes an annoying pest and chore to me. 

This is because I somehow end up not being in the mood to do that thing anymore or just prefer to do something else.

But because I wrote it down and it’s staring me right in the face, I feel as if I have to complete it. 

This is why I’ve now adapted to the habit of not scheduling things when it comes to relaxing and entertainment because it can sometimes make it seem as if your day is short and you have a mountain of things to do. 

So, unless you’re planning on going somewhere in which you need to be present at a particular time, you really don’t need to plan or schedule things for your relaxation and entertainment.

Limit yourself to completing all of your work before a set time so that you’ll have the rest of the day for yourself.

You could even take out a four hour block in your day just for you do whatever you please.

Within that time just go with the flow and do whatever you feel like doing.

Start Something? Finish It.

Even though it looks as if it might take endless ages, try to finish it before moving on to something else because as weird as it sounds, sometimes just finishing a project in one big gulp might just be what you need in order to make and have more time for another day. 

Small Chunks

So, I know I literally just said that if you start something, you might as well try to finish it at once 

But that was within reason.

No matter how, some things just can’t be handled or be completed at one time which is why it is so much better to break them up into small chunks. 

Spread out your calendar and schedule the important tasks but still try to limit yourself. Give yourself a reasonable deadline for you to complete these tasks.

Limiting and setting a deadline perhaps for a week, can really give you more time in a day.

Be Spontaneous

 What I mean by this is, try to find new hacks and ways to get things done easily, effectively and quickly. 

For me, instead of typing or writing my essays, I mostly just speak into a microphone and words are instantly jotted down onto paper. This saves me so much more time in a day to do the things that I actually want to do.

It’s really good to utilise the things that are out there. You never know, it might just become your next best friend :)

Here’s a quote for you to take whilst you leave:

Time is what we want most, but use the worst.


Here’s a short listed summary of all the things mentioned in this blog post:

  1. Plan

  2. Make deadlines for yourself.

  3. Don’t plan everything.

  4. Finish what you’ve started.

  5. Spread out your tasks.

  6. Do certain things differently.

Well, That’s It Folks

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