Hi there.

Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

24 Habits You Need To Start Doing In Order To Glow Up Significantly

24 Habits You Need To Start Doing In Order To Glow Up Significantly

Make sure to note that, even the simplest things can have a mighty effect on how attractive you are to people.

Whether it's about your physical beauty or your character and attitude as a person, you should never overlook these things if you want to glow up permanently and for the long run. So let’s dive in :)


So Here Are The Main Things That Will Be Addressed In This Blog-Post:

  • The different habits that you either need to start or stop doing, in order to significantly glow up your appearance.

  • The different habits that you either need to start or stop doing, so that you appear attractive in regards to your personality and characteristics traits.


When It Comes To Your Appearance You Need To...

1) Stop biting your nails

2)Clean your nails regularly

3) Stop licking your lips: Doing this will make your lips even more dry which is why it is extremely important to always have a lip gloss or lip balm at hand wherever you go.

4) Ditch having dry skin: Make sure that your skin is always moisturized and lotioned as having dry skin is not typically pleasing to any human eye. This does not mean you should only lotion the places that you know people are going to see when you go out, but also the hidden places that will not be exposed. Remember that glowing up is not just for others to see you and praise you, it is mostly for yourself and your own personal development.

5) Clean your ears: Many people can be easily disgusted and turned off when they are conversing with someone and they can clearly see the wax in their ears. Make sure to invest in some Q-tips/cotton swabs or simply a rag and some water to clean the visible area of your ear.

6) Clean your morning eyes: Make sure that those small little things that everyone gets in the corner of the eyes are cleaned away so that the person you're talking to can easily look into your eyes without being a bit uncomfortable.

7) Stop picking your nose: Of Course you wouldn’t want any boogers in your nose especially if someone is easily able to look up your nostrils. It makes totally sense to pick your nose so that it remains clean; however, make sure that you are not picking your nose out of habit, for example when you’re staring into space and your finger starts to wander up your nose out of boredom.

8) Take the plaque of your teeth: This does well for getting that gorgeous smile that everyone yearns for.

9) Start smiling: Doing this shows others that you are confident and approachable. It also makes people more at ease and comfortable whenever they are around you. This also helps with your own self care and personal development as a simple thing like smiling can easily convince your brain that you are happy and at peace.

10) Start carrying a mirror wherever you go: This is not just for you to keep looking at yourself every five minutes because you have small doubts that something might look off-putting on your face like a stain or chapped lips but this is also for you to constantly reassure yourself that you are beautiful.

11) Posture: Whether you’re sitting down, standing up, crouching, crawling, slouching or whatever, make sure you look good doing it.

Aim to look like a silent supermodel.

One day or another people will begin to notice this unique trait about you and how you use your body.

Be a living art.

Without even talking, let your style and personality show, through the way your body sways when you’re walking and the way your body poses when you’re staying still.

12) Iron each and every clothing that you know should be ironed.


When It Comes To Attitude And Mannerisms...

13) Smile

14) Be softer: Don’t be fooled by the foolish connotations that the word “soft” has now gotten as it doesn’t mean you’ll be a pushover, easy to manipulate or one that cannot stand by their own two feet. Being soft means that:

people will be overwhelmed and astonished when you shout,

people will be jealous and envious when you accomplish something in life

and people will be taken aback and flabbergasted when they see you being strong, comfortable and independent.

15) Try to say yes more often

16) Try to say no more often

17) Be quizzical, always ask questions

18) Be humble: Being humble is the best way to boast and show off.

19) Be organised: Let the way you present yourself speak when you're in a place of silence.

20) Be silent and observe: Don’t talk or do things in haste. Observe the things around as not everything needs an input from you straight away. Sometimes the best thing to do is to not tell others your dreams and goals until you find yourself gradually reaching your destination. Sometimes you just have to be a bit sneaky and reveal yourself at the end.

21) Know that being alone doesn’t mean you are lonely

22) Be the first to do things that seem unachievable: Don’t wait for someone else to make the first move. We are done with waiting for someone to be the first to talk up when in a troublesome situation or not starting a YouTube channel because of the people who might find it.

23) Stay calm when angry: This does not mean to say that you should dismiss your anger or your hurt when in a troublesome situation. What you should do is have better control over it. Don’t let someone toxic or the thoughtless actions of that person dismay your heart, try to find the willpower to cut that person off and invest your energy into someone else.

24) laugh

Here’s a quote for you to take while you leave

“Beauty captures the eye but personality captures the heart”



Here are the 3 main points that I think you might have missed when reading this blog post:

  • The simple things should never be overlooked as they could be the most effective.

  • Glowing up is mostly about self-care and self-improvement more than it is having people see you as attractive and exceptional in beauty.

  • Subscribe to AlwaysMoodyBlogs for more posts that I’m sure you’ll enjoy.

Well, That’s It Folks

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I really hope that you’ll start putting these simple but effective things into practice for your own benefit and glow up journey.

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