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Welcome to my blog. I’m a teenage Jamaican and British girl who is now suddenly interested in this new, wonderful world of blogging.

AlwaysMoodyBlogs.com is a girl inspired blogging website that provides tasteful information on fashion such as outfit ideas, beauty tips and self care in order to encourage women to become their best selves by levelling up their style and confidence. I really hope you enjoy my blog and subscribe. Enjoy :)

How To Focus On Yourself And Become Her Again

How To Focus On Yourself And Become Her Again

Sometimes, we’re so eager to move forward that moving backward seems quite weird and quite unusual. 

We tend to move so far ahead that we become unorganized and we start to lose ourselves.

Those small details that makes up our characters start to fade. 

Don't be afraid to go back one chapter.

Go back to the part of the book where you were the main character

…the part of the book where you seemed to cherished yourself the most.

So in this blog post, I’ve gathered a list of 7 great ways you can be yourself and become her again. 

Busy Girl? Pin This Post For Later :


#1 Make A Note Of What She Used To Be Like 

Remind yourself of those attractive and gorgeous personality traits she used to have. 

Write down those values and morals she used to cherish so much and dive in and reflect on those times you were your happiest. 

Reflect on what changed from then to now and notice if it’s a change that can be fixed. 

Try not to put all your focus on those big, big questions.

Pay attention to detail and the things that may seem insignificant such as the way she used to style her clothes, that sweet fragrance she used to wear, those songs she used to sing and more. 

Take the time to truly understand the layers that made her. 


#2 Re-read All Those Books She Used To Spend Hours Reading 

Take a week or two...or perhaps even an entire month.

Completely indulge yourself in a bookathon of all those books she used to enjoy. Cosy up in your little corner and let those familiar feelings, as you read your favourite books, swarm over you and take you back to that place where you felt calm and stress-free. 

I’ve personally decided to start with just 5 books for now, and slowly build my way up to a sea storm of books :)


#3 Find Comfort In Yourself. Go On A Solo Picnic Date 

...and don’t tell me that you can’t possibly. 

Pack a basket full of treats, drag along a blanket and get glamorously dressed for the day. Make sure to carry along a pen, a notepad, or perhaps your laptop and start writing about anything. 

A solo date is always a great way to observe not only the things around you but you, yourself. 

Talk to yourself and get to know yourself. Lay down ever so gracefully on your picnic blanket, take a tasty bite of your cinnamon roll, shut those eyes, and simply daydream. 

Dream about those things that may seem somewhat impossible and think about ways to make them a possibility.


#4 Remember How She Used To Prioritise Herself

Notice how she used to separate and distance herself from those things that made her feel negative. Whether that was strangers on social media or people she was acquainted with in her day-to-day life. 

Be intrigued by the way she was ever so organized, being crazily prepared for even the smallest things in her life. 

Keep track of the way organization gave her confidence and a striking beauty that could not be ignored. 

Don’t forget to remind yourself of the way she used to set clear, visible boundaries not only for others to abide by but for herself and her own mental health. 

See how 15 seconds passed by as she paused and would think before saying 'yes’ or ‘no’ to a request or suggestion, making every decision she made so much more meaningful and worthwhile. 


#5 Plan A Peaceful And Lavish Evening For Yourself 

I would love to attend some fancy restaurant in a long black, evening dress where live smooth jazz music is being played, whilst I feast on the best-made lasagne of my life :)

Better yet, I’d like to wake up one evening, walk over to the balcony, and be mesmerized by the beauty of Greece...or perhaps even Italy. 

Why not plan an evening to simply fall in love with yourself again and embrace yourself. It doesn’t have to go as far as booking a flight or even going outdoors at all. 

Tidy up and create your aesthetic space, dim the lights and light sweet scented candles all around. 

Play your favourite playlist in the background, sit down and relax whilst eating a delicious meal.


#6 Search For Small Ways To Romanticise Your Present

We often try and plan ways to start over our lives and do a huge life glow-up. 

It becomes quite an exciting process that leaves us wishing and dreaming that our futures would just hurry up and reveal itself immediately. 

Making the right decisions at this present time will potentially alter our futures and change the way we view ourselves, whether negatively or positively, over time. 


Romanticising our lives shouldn’t just be a thing we think about doing in the future or apply to our lives after a glow-up. We should be doing it right now as there are truly so many things to be grateful for.

Find beauty and pleasure in those small everyday things we do daily. Try starting with your morning routine and then progress from there.

Related: 7 Cute Ways To Make Your Morning Routine More Girly And Luxurious


#7 Don’t Rush. Find A Steady Pace

They say ‘slow and steady always wins the race’ and ‘easy come, easy go’. It really is up to you which one you decide to go with. 


Here’s a quote for you to take while you leave:

You have the answer. Just get quiet enough to hear it.


Well, That’s It, Folks

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. I really hope that you enjoyed it. Don’t forget to subscribe down below for more posts on fashion and beauty. Tell me what you think in the comments below. See ya :)

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